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Human geography (Topical Term)
Used for/see from:
- Earlier heading: Anthropo-geography
- Anthropogeography
- Geographical distribution of humans
- Social geography
See also:
ERIC thes. (Human geography)
Hennepin (Human geography)
Web. 3 (Human geography; anthropogeography)
Random House (Anthropogeography)
Dict. of human geography, 1981.
Dict. concepts human geography: pp. 83-4 (Mutual relations between man and his natural environment)
Fairchild dict. soc.: p. 101 (Adaptation of human cultures to their geographical environment)
Pearson anthro. gloss.: p. 12 (The effect of geographical and climatic environments both on the physical and cultural evolution of hominids)
Winick dict. anthro.: p. 28 (The interrelations between geographical environment and man)